bounti Boots #6 | 30 minutes | Tertia
6 x bounti BOOTS workouts
From 5 to 30 minutes.Â
Ready for a full-length, high-intensity workout that promises to really get your heart rate up? This fully-balanced 30-minute workout incorporates all the bounti BOOT moves you have learned in the past 5 workouts, as well as dumbbells for the upper-body element. It ends off with a core, upper-body and glute element on the mat.
Go from brand new bootie, to bounti BOOTS boffin with expert guidance from Tertia D!
The bounti BOOTS workouts begin with getting you comfortable over a 5-minute workout, and progress to full body, 30-min workouts that include dumbbells and a body bar.
They are beginner friendly, and will literally take you through the process of putting your boots on, to becoming a confident bootie.
Don’t let exciting new equipment intimidate you, enjoy the benefits of low-impact training, with all the creative choreography that Tertia brings to your boots!
These boots were made for bouncing, and so are you!