bounti Kids | Journey 1 | Let’s Safari
One of the most amazing things about rebounding is that it’s incredibly beneficial for all age groups. If you’re looking to get your little one moving, then the bounti Kids program is the perfect solution!
Rebounding is so amazing for developing physical skills in young kids. It not only improves core strength, balance, co-ordination and spatial awareness, but is also a great way to get your child physically active while they’re learning too!Â
The bounti Kids program is aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 6 years old, and is designed to incorporate all the fundamental movement skill areas that children of this age need to develop in preparation for school and further academic and physical activities.
While your child bounces, the fundamental skills being improved include:
- Laterality
- Directionality
- Midline crossing
- Dynamic and static balance
- Gross and find co-ordination
- Rhythm
- Timing
- Sequencing
- Strength
- Flexibility
The fun and catchy tunes, provided by Music 4 Minis, makes the bounti Kids program enjoyable and age appropriate.
This amazing program includes three differently themed journeys to keep your child engaged, entertained and active
Let’s safari
This African-inspired journey will guide children through the bushveld. While they’re bouncing through the veld, meeting lots of different animals along the way, the primary movement skills being focused on include:
- Gross motor co-ordination
- Locomotion
- Laterality
- Mid-line crossing
Music produced by Music 4 mini’s
bounti Inc. Kids Disclaimer
We, the staff of, owners and representatives of bounti Inc. (including the Lisa Raleigh Group) recognise our obligation to make our participants and their parents aware of the risks and hazards associated with children’s rebounding and/or rebounding programmes.
Children/Minors may suffer injuries, possibly minor, serious, or catastrophic in nature. Parents should make their children aware of the possibility of injury and encourage their children to follow all the safety rules and instructions associated with rebounding.
bounti Inc., the Lisa Raleigh Group and its’ staff members will not accept responsibility for injuries sustained by any child/minor during the course of you/them following the bounti Kids workout routines or the general usage of any rebounder(s).
Parents must understand that it is their responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding their child’s participation in any Fitness Programme. By reading this disclaimer, you represent and warrant that your child is physically fit and has no medical condition that would prevent his/her full participation in the bounti Kids workouts or when using the bounti Kids Bungee Rebounder or Spring Studio Pro Rebounder (or any other rebounder model available from our company(ies)).
Note that we recommend you only utilize rebounders available on our estore at versus any other rebounder available elsewhere.
By engaging with bounti Inc. I fully assume the risk of any resulting injury or due to the use of the equipment and/or bounti workout routines, as well as any other medical condition, known or unknown that could negatively affect the activity in any manner.
I have read and understand bounti Inc’s safety warnings :
Safety warnings + guidelines
Only one child at a time can bounce on a rebounder
Children/Minors under 14 years old should be supervised on a rebounder at all times. Stand close to them during their bouncing and also ensure they are fully aware of the various dangers stipulated further below.
Children/Minors should wear safe, appropriate footwear and clothing while rebounding. Avoid ribbons, tassels or shoelaces that could get caught in the bungee cords or springs.
Children with any form of disablement should NEVER be left to rebound or play around this unit if not supervised by an able adult.
Seek medical attention immediately if your child experiences unusual pain, discomfort or sensations.
bounti Kids Bungee or Spring rebounders should not be used near water, windows, low ceilings, archways, slippery surfaces, heavy or sharp objects that could cause damage or injury.
Children/Minors must bounce within the safety indicator lines and avoid bouncing on the bungee cords or rebounder springs
Children/Minors must avoid all tricks on the rebounder such as somersaults. Only safe bouncing is permitted.
If you have any doubts/concerns, about your child rebounding, please seek a medical professionals advice first.
Note that the physical structure of a rebounder presents inherent risks to a child – examples : The frame and legs of the rebounder are made of hardened steel (spring rebounders have additional steel appendages related to the springs – i.e. the bullhorns). There are gaps between the bungees/springs of a rebounder and a small foot can easily step through them or fingers can get stuck between them (or in the springs). The height of the mat/frame from the floor is also a danger for falling or for a little child to crawl under the mat. Rebounders are light enough in weight to be lifted by a young child and therefore poses risks for falling on them or onto another object. The dangers aren’t limited to these descriptions only so please ensure close supervision at all times.
Please ensure the rebounder that will be utilized has no defects or flaws.