Special FOMO | FUSION Class with Lisa, Steph, Brad and Jono
Our bounti Fusion Class was simply amazing, and – with this recorded, class-style FOMO workout, which has been edited and curated for your downloading and bouncing pleasure – you can experience this class at any time, from anywhere! For the first time ever, we featured 4 bounti instructors in a Fusion Class…
- First, Steph will take you through the warm-up, with a few songs that showcase her unique way of rebounding. Steph’s rebounding style focuses on form, technique and mind-body connection, with tons of emphasis on lengthening, strengthening and toning!
- Jono will then lead you into some dynamic strength training, where you’ll use heavier weights to really feel the burn. He also incorporates some cardio at the end, where he’ll teach you a super fun dance!
- Lisa R will then take the stage to teach some bounti Flow, where she’ll push your cardio fitness, endurance and memory by teaching you a mini routine, giving you a little taste of Flow, where you’ll bounce for 20 minutes non-stop!
- You’ll finish off on a high note with some super intense HIIT training from Brad, where he’ll combine strength, cardio and super explosive plyometric moves to really give you a good challenge, getting your heart rate up and the sweat rolling! Brad will then end off by taking you through a calming cool-down and stretch routine.
Experience the fusion of all 4 different instructors, in this awesome combo that just works so well blended together. Enjoy 75 minutes of some much needed sweat and smiles! Get up and get bouncing, with this dynamic, exhilarating and challenging Fusion Class FOMO Workout!