Technique with Tertia Workshop | Online Anytime
Looking to improve your technique? Join the lovely Tertia D, as she applies her knowledge and expertise as a qualified personal trainer, professional dancer and yogi, in teaching you all the technique fundamentals of rebounding, stretching and training overall, in her “Technique with Tertia” Workshop.
This workshop is suitable for all of you rebounding newbies, and our existing bounti clients, who have been rebounding for a while… Its specific focus is on technique, with emphasis on the following areas:
- Engaging your core
- Improving flexibility and mobility
- Improving coordination skills
- Modifying certain moves
- Working around injuries
No matter your fitness level, absolutely everyone can benefit from learning more about technique. In getting the most out of your workouts, technique is absolutely critical. No matter how often or hard you train, if your form is incorrect, you simply won’t reap the results you want. In fact, if you train – properly, with the correct technique – your workouts become so much more effective that you’ll see results sooner, and be injured less often.
We can’t think of anyone more suited to instruct this workshop, so come along and master your “Technique with Tertia”!